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Trans-cultural Creative Services

Exclusive Service for Global Business Targeting Japanese Market


While offering services as a creative agency of branding, advertising, and sales promotiion, we have started a new serivices for a business interested in launching into the Japanese market. For marketing tools such as brochure, flyer, website, ad, poster, POS, direct mail, and whatever, you don't have to sweat to capture the unfamiliar cultures. We will help you by managing the project properly and creating tools in the most effective way to appeal your products or services to the target marekt in Japan.

1. Trans-creation, Transcultural Copywriting

When you need some help to create a marketing tool in Japanese based on your original one in English, how do you handle it? Ask a translater? But a translater may be a linguist but a marketing professional to convey your concept properly.

Trans-creation is a new word as transcultural copywriting between English and other language. Our copywriter is well-experienced in the trans-creation with English-Japanese and you can count on our service to lead your success in  the target market in Japan. You will see how diferent between an ordinary translation and our proposeful trans-creation!





WORKS|Community はコミュニティと住宅の仕事を、

WORKS|Brand はブランド広告やマス媒体のキャンペーンの一部をご紹介しております。


2. Create Marketing Tools for Japan

A few years ago, we made trans-creation for the brochure and proofed it. It was so shocking to see it, because the copy was awkwardly layouted with nonsense typography ignored the rule of Japanese language. The designer didn't understand Japanese and our copy looked just graphic icoms. We don't blame him, but just want you to know you definitely need to hire a designer who understands the language and the rule of typography as well.

We offer one-stop solutions of trans-cultural marketing activities from concept making, copywriting, design, layout untill output. Leave them on us. We have been experienced in various Japanese markets. The experts know best.

3. Branding in Japanese Target Market

To launch your product or serivcie into the Japanese market, you will think how to establish it as a good brand and seek where to place it among a ton of competitors. A proper concept and positioning is the key essencial to win the market, and we would be more than happy to help you in the creative aspects in concept making, creative strategy, naming, Visual Identity, logo, advertising, promotion planning as well as producing tools related with all aboves.

You can make the most of our skills acquired in various industories such as fashion, beverage, food, automobile, airlines, real estate, telecom, IT, sports, and lifestyle.


For Inquiry, mail us or use Inquiry Form in CONTACT page.


Please visit our copywriter's website. Momoki Works  

You can see the details of what trans-creation is there!

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